Thinking of trading up your current vehicle? Calgary Hyundai wants to buy it. Whether you're trading it in or simply selling your vehicle out-right, we pay top dollar for any type of vehicle, Hyundais and any other brand.
At Calgary Hyundai, we understand that there are a number of factors in the value of your current vehicle. We take the time to be fully transparent and review all information such as selling value for your vehicle, our costs involved such as detail cleaning, maintenance and reconditioning costs like your tires or windshield, accident history and its effect and any other items that you need to be confident to sell us your vehicle.
Calgary Hyundai is located in the NE of Calgary, and because of that we have a need for vehicles of any value, $2,000 - $100,000. Due to the variety of consumers in the NE we can also sell your vehicle for more than other dealerships do, so we can pay you THE MOST FOR YOUR VEHICLE.
For a limited time, get a free car wash with your trade appraisal. Submit your information below to get started.